Jane Muum Pro Pram Collection

Jane Muum Pro Prams, Pushchairs & Travel Systems

The new Muum Pro pushchair is part of the new generation of Jané chassis: with a completely updated design and improved features.

Keen to make life as easy as possible for busy parents, the Jané Muum Pro features a large capacity shopping basket so you can carry everything you need effortlessly. It also has a spacious, reversible seat unit with new hood design, so you can have your baby facing you as you walk.

Its smaller lighter swivel front wheels with independent suspension, are perfect for getting about on the city streets. And it’s easy, compact folding system with new safety lock makes the pushchair fold up even more compactly, making it easier to carry and store wherever you decide to take it.

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Pioneering child health and safety.

Jané has been around since 1932 and brings to the market a strong heritage of innovative in crash test research and development. Boasting its very own Crash Test Research Centre, this brand is known for pioneering development in child health, and has won countless award for MATRIX, the world’s only truly flat lie-flat car seat/carry cot. The range includes prams, pushchairs, car seats and nursery equipment.